Making money online with good web writing is a very good possibility. There are just too many ways these days to take your online writing and make some money from it. Web content writers are in high demand and as more and more non-writers start trying to make money with blogs and websites they'll become even more sought after.
I came up with a list that you may want to keep in mind if you're just stating your online writing venture. To earn money online is more of a puzzle than anything else. The good news is that all the pieces to that puzzle are either supplied to you online or within yourself-you just gotta' piece them together. Ready? Let's start making money online!
Content Rules With Web Writing
Web writers who already earn money online will tell you, in most cases, that content rules. I agree with this to a point. However, you will find plenty of blogs and other online articles that really suck that are making money. Why? Well, that's factor number two.
Remember, your content is you on the web. What I mean by that is everyone is different; we speak, write, act, think, and see things differently. Unless you're a technical writer then your web writing should have some tone or voice that directly reflects you onto the page or screen. My favorite way to describe this is with this little blurb: "Rich Content, Casual Tone"
Sure, your content needs to be spot on, but what's to say that you can't joke and be different in your web writing? The best way to make money online is to stand out and keep people coming back. Be creative and incorporate SEO (search engine optimization) in all of your web writing.
Power of the Web On Your Writing And Earnings
No matter how tight your web writing skills are, you'll never make money online if no one knows about it or can find it. So, the online writing platform that you're using is very important. This is the reason why most veteran or successful web writers will urge newbies to start writing for sites that already have page rank.
Places like HubPages, Squidoo, Suite 101, InfoBarrel, and Y!CN and Triond are popular because they already have high page-rank, a large reading audience and easy ways to monetize. Suite 101 even has an editorial feedback system that will help you polish your web writing skill and lead to you making more money online. The problem with those sites is that in exchange for their page-rank and platforms they share the money that your article makes with you.
What's the alternative? Start your own blog on your own domain. This is very much worth it but just be prepared-it takes a while to actually gain a readership and earn decent money. Many bloggers who eventually make started by both writing for their own blogs and the above mentioned sites to assure some money was being earned.
Other bloggers are dirty. They have substandard content placed on crappy sites that they own and have managed to get them to rank high in search engines results by building backlinks with automated software. Poop!
Diversify Your Web Writing Venues
You'll find hundreds of online web writers who swear by a certain site. Some love Suite 101 and hate Hubpages. Others write only for their own blogs and will never touch those places. My best advice is to have as many writing sites available to you as possible. When Google throws another algorithm update then some places may not survive it.
Online writing can be a fickle, nasty beast. One day you're loving life and the next you're sucking wind. Just ask all those ex-eHow writers that had the rug pulled out from under them! Online writing is fun, can be lucrative but you need to ensure that you have many baskets for all of your eggs. To really ensure you earn money online you need have lots of articles in lots of different places.
Search Engine Optimzation
Aah, the dreaded SEO. Let's be honest though, when web writing you need to have a basic understanding of it. There are tools out there that can help. Read my articles on InboundWriter and Scribe to get an idea. Besides that, building backlinks (naturally!) will help get your web writing noticed and ranking higher in the search engines. And believe you'll notice the difference! Having an article or blog post ranked in the top 3 of Goolge search will almost guarantee that you earn money online.
Commenting in blogs and forums with links to your articles, blog posts, or the profile page of the writing site are two great ways to start building backlinks. Then there are other ways like social bookmarking on Digg and StumbleUpon. Having a featured link on those two sites will help you earn money online as well.
Do you have anything you want to add? Maybe you do something differently? Let us know!
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ReplyDeleteWeb writing is always challenging to make money online. Good article for beginners!