Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Friday, September 16, 2011

"How To" Guide For Good Web Writing

Page Proofs for Content RulesImage by CC Chapman via FlickrThere are many schools of thought out there on what makes good web writing and when you're looking to make money doing it then knowing how is most of the battle. 

Here are 10 Keys to Good Web Writing.

Write Relevant

Writing about your pet bird must be great but if he or she or it doesn't have anything to do with your topic or page then stay away from it.  Hell, start another page or article if you have to.  Just make sure that you aren't putting personal need and interest before what will appeal to everyone.

Write the End At The Beginning

Get to the point.  Put your main focus at the beginning then explain it. Don't trust people to have the patience to read the whole article for an answer.  Remember:  People don't read web writing they scan it.  They're looking for the answer to their question.

One Paragraph Should Equal One Idea

Each paragraph should address the answer the person's query that brought them there in the first place, or at least part of the answer to their question. Again, don't count on people sticking around too long if they can't find what they're looking for quick.

Use Lists For Your Web Writing

Look at this article your reading.  Easy to read and scan.   One point per bullet.  Right? Bulleted lists are a practice to follow!

Keep Listed Items 10 words per

Most studies will tell you that people can only effectively remember about 8-10 things at a time.  If your lists are too long then the reader will leave and not remember what you said soon after.  Then they'll feel ripped off and won't wanna' come back. Those "101 Things To Clean In The Shower" are cool...but long.  I guess that's why there's a bookmark function...but...uhm...keep it short.

Keep Sentences Short

Short sentences with only the words you need in them.  See that?

Bold, Internal Subheadings Help With Scanning

Bold subheadings help people scan content faster.  That makes for a more convenient experience and will make people wanna' return.  Blogging For Dads does this really well!

Include Links IN the Content

Links standout and become part of the scanning process.  People like that.  It's a trail to follow with additional information at the end.  It makes simple content feel "full".

Proof Read Your Stuff

I often make mistakes in my web writing and then BOOM! it's off to the presses without me proofreading.  Why?  I'm impatient.  I have to force myself to look at my content a couple of times before I hit publish...which I'm about to do!

Good Web Writing can make a blog, site, article or product description seem like a flowing pleasure to partake in.  Bad Web Writing can make a person feel like...well, clicking that "back" button.

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