Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Freelance Writing Advice For Beginners: Finding the Motivation to Write

I'm not talking about writer's block here.  You have ideas and you have stuff in your project boxes that have deadlines.  The problem is that you wrote this morning, you went to the gym or did whatever your 'to-do' list had on it.  You actually had big plans to write a few articles this afternoon, blog tonight, and maybe submit a piece to one of your residual content engine sites. 

But it just isn't happening.  Something went wrong.  For me it was the hockey game.  I am a big Boston fan and the Bruins are in the Stanley Cup finals.  I did manage to complete and assignment for Yahoo! and three for Break Studios this morning.  Oh, and I created a separate blog for my freelance writing business at the great advice of a hard working woman. And it just doesn’t seem enough.

It happens to all of us, new or experienced, in this business.  So, how did I find the motivation to actually sit here and write this post?

Treat Your Writing like a Rolling Snowball

I'm actually a big believer in this.  Just sit down and write something.  Even if comes out painfully and disjointed-get the body back in the game.  Get that creative writing part of your brain and start rolling it down hill like a snow ball.  Hopefully you'll notice the mass increasing and the force of that part of your brain gaining momentum and speed.  Once it's going it will be hard to stop!

Your Freelance Writing Business Won't Grow if You Don't Feed It

Personally, I am trying to start a small business with enough freelance writing clients to only turn to writing sites out of boredom or supplemental cash.  I know that if I don't grow this site, which now links to my business site, it will be that much more difficult to bring in clients.

If you are just starting out in this business as well, ask yourself what your goals are.  List them.  Then think about the fact that you're NOT working right now.  Chances are that you'll never accomplish those goals if you're not writing content.

Read Other Blogs and Articles

I always get inspired, and probably a little jealous, when I see a great post.  I check out freelance writing sites, articles on the web, and even some of my own writing.  Once I see something written that has a lot of views or that is particularly enjoyable and helpful I suddenly find the need and urge to do something of my own.  I especially like looking at my Twitter account and checking out all those blog postings that I didn't read all day.

Remind Yourself that You've Had Your You Time

You have to manage your work load and make time for yourself and if you haven’t then you should be doing it.  But, if you already did that stuff today then it is writing time now!  This is how you make money (all or some of your income) and what you truly love doing.  Take time for yourself but stay disciplined and keep you're eyes on the prize!

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