Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Making Money Writing Articles For The Web: Take It Slow

A woman typing on a laptopImage via Wikipedia
Making money writing articles online can be pretty easy for anyone. If you are a good writer, fast typist and great reader, then you can learn everything you need to know right from the Internet without any previous formal training needed. This is probably the best fact about niche website Internet marketing.

If you are new to the business, your best bet is to ease into it.  Writing can be a fickle beast and if you jump full bore into it then you could quickly find "freelance writing burnout" as your ultimate demise.  I know it doesn't seem like it right now but it happens to all of use at some point or another.  Take your time. You have a better chance of losing your motivation and having nothing to show for your efforts if you don't ease into it. There are several things that you need to make sure you know how to do before you begin writing on the web for money. And some things that you can never stop doing!


Before You Start Your Web Writing Adventure!

       Join as many writing sites as you can to ensure a steady stream of work.
       Create a writing area where you can work in relative peace and quiet.  (I know it's hard if you’re a work at home dad or mom.)
       Create writing schedule that ensures a harmonious continuity between writing and blogging responsibilities and family and normal duties.

Always While Trying To Make Money Writing

       Start writing.  This is often the last thing a person does when it should be a continuous thing.  Even if there's no work, just start writing articles about things you're interested in.  Either post them on content sites like Associated Content, Suite 101, Infobarrel or Hubpages, or stockpile them for a future blog or the possible matching writing assignment.
       At the beginning, when you're writing for pennies, volume will be key but never wane on your quality.
       Markey yourself with a blog or website-either free or self-hosted through Blogger or Hostgator.

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