Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is Your Web Writing Too Complicated For Readers?

Reading his own book               Image by basheem via Flickr
A couple of months ago I came across this article on Perry Marshall's website and I am finally getting around to doing a post about it.  I think it is definitely relative to what we talk about here on web writing tips for money.

Mr. Marshall claims that he owes his success in copy writing because at the level he writes at a level that doesn't require you to use any brain power. And believe me, Perry Marshall gets it done.  In many circles he is considered the premiere authority for Google Adwords conversion.  When advertisers want the attention of prospective clients and customers then they refer to Perry Marshall's expertise.

As  a web writer your conversion is of utmost importance so don't you think you would do well to listen to a guru like Marshall when it comes to getting people to click, take action and do exactly what you want them to do with just a couple words?  Uhm…YEAH.

Check out this tool that Marshall provides on his website:  Grade Of Your Text

According to that tool this text has a reading of a 8th grader and a 13 year old kid.  Pretty easy to digest, right?

So, does that make this better?  I'm not sure.  I mean, who am I to argue a master like Marshall but…
I think there's a danger in that though.  How far away are we from web writers having a certain tone and language but then purposely "writing down" to their readers.  Personally, I'd be pissed if I knew someone was writing down to me on one of my favorite blogs.

Sure, I understand that there is obvious dangers, too, in being too smart or technical in web writing, copy writing or any writing but shouldn't be decided by the reader?  

On second thought:  Is that already happening?  Do people like Darren Rowse, Seth Godin and Brian Clark talk down to me?  They're all very successful.  Does that mean they "got me" by writing down to my level?

I don't think so.  What do you think?

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  1. I agree. Its very important to maintain simplicity of language to connect with readers. But you can still write the odd post to show off your ABCs.

  2. Right? YOu should be able to write at the level your most comfortable with.

  3. While I understand the notion of wanting your readers to understand what you're saying; you want them to return to your page over & over. However, simplifying your posts takes away the essence of your writing style. Not everyone's going to be interested in what you have to say anyway, so.... you know what I mean?

  4. Shamira,

    I agree. I don't agree with it 100% but it is a tool that some people may find helpful.

    Thanks for reading!

