Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Are PLR Articles So Popular Right Now?

Frankenstein's Monster HeadknockerImage by 777thAngel via FlickrFrom a web writer's standpoint it's okay to write what the client asks.  Using PLR articles as a web writer is worst then a late night, sneaky uncle though.  It's just icky.  That's the only way I can describe it.  As long as you're getting paid and not being promised compensation with traffic or fame.  What those clients do with the articles that we write is kind of out of our hands once we send it off to them.

Web Writers are in a tough spot, usually.  Most of us don't have successful, high-ranking, heavily trafficked blogs so we are forced to write for people that either offer up-front money or those that already have the traffic in hopes of making a buck or two off of them.

Web Writing and Mass Articles

Most people who have, or offer, large amounts of PLR material have either paid a whole bunch of web writers to write them for them, or they somehow joined a mailing list that offered a whole bunch. Or, and this is the worse, they are using some kind of article spinner to write one or two articles and then "spinning" them into ten or hundreds of others.  This isn't right, either.  Kind of like Frankenstein.  It works okay but it's mostly just a retarded shell that doesn't operate the right way.

But What is PLR?

PLR, or Private Label Rights articles, are just articles written by someone else that just about anyone can use, for just about anything they want.  Web Writers Be Wary!  There are different stipulations put on each set of articles by the original author, but those rules are hardly adhered to.  Once they are out for the taking then they get raped like a poor girl being victimized by a Viking raiding party.

Some authors will say that you can use but not sell.  You can sell but you can't re-write.  You can use, sell, and re-write but you can't "re-PLR" them.  Weird, the whole thing, right?

PLR Popularity

PLR articles and eBooks are popular for two reasons.  Most of the people selling or using them can't or won't write.  And, two, those same people are too cheap to pay a quality web writer some money to create a product of decent quality.

Last time:  PLR...Yuck!

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