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From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Blog: How to Choose Between Flashy and Simple/Hosted or Free. Get Ready to Pull Out Your Blogging Hair!

Blogging Can Be Maddening!
I have been experimenting a lot lately with blogging and monetizing my blogs.  I like to write and don't always want to do so within the confines of what other people want as an article or content.  So, I've started a few blogs.  This one and the rest of the Muisings line and a few more.  I've even delved into the land of the hosted domain.  That's been heaven and hell.

Don't Take Blogger For Granted But Look Around

Since I've decided to not only live on Blogger and I have realized two things. 

1  Blogspot hosted sites are super easy to use and you can start blogging in about two minutes once you get a niche, keyword plan, and passion.  The rest can come later.

2.  However, moving to Wordpress and Blogging Dudes, a larger world has opened up to me.  So many customizable themes, so many dang widgets! It's also maddening.  If you've sucked on the Blogger bosom long enough you're apt to throw things, cry, and want to give up after a few minutes working with Wordpress.  Just relax, and know that Google is making out anyway every time you search for an answer to your blogging troubles!

Ok, Simple or Flashy Blogging?

I'll warn you;  if you are VERY new to blogging.  If you have little patience.  Or, if you just don't want to stress about it too much then go simple if you go  Or, don't even go .org at all!  Instead, try out for a little while to get a feel for the very different interface.  Better yet stay at Blogger or Weebly or wherever it is you're at!

I think some people tend to go "flashy" because they think it will help them get more views and better monetization. Okay, sure that might be true but if you're too new you won't even know how to ad monetization units to a Wordpress blog!  It's not as simple as it is here.

Blogging doesn't have to be all about the money anyway.  It shouldn't be in my opinion.  If you don't have a passion for your blog topic, a desire to help people, and the time to write then you may be better of with an article mill like Associated Content.  Perhaps even a quasi-blog type of thing like Hubpages or Squidoo.

No matter what you decide just know that the search engine god is there for you to use.  Query, read/view, and learn...but above all-Love it!

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