Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Web Writing Best Practices

Ensure Website Visibility With Search Engine O...Image by hongxing128 via Flickr
Web writing is just like any other type of thing that you'll get into in hopes of making money.  There are professionals and there are the new guys and gals, or "newbies".  The good news is that whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out now, reading this post, and trying to learn the in's and out's of writing for money online, then you can STILL MAKE MONEY.

Here are 5 Tips of Web Writing

1.    1.   Learn SEO:  You're bound to hear "SEO" In your journey down the web writing path.  And, yes, it's as important as everyone says.  SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is what is done to your writing, by you, which makes it easily (or easier) found on the internet when someone searches for it.  If you're new to this sort of thing then do some research on keywords, meta tags, meta titles, sub-headings and html designation (h1, h2, h3, etc. tags).  And you can contact me at  I'll send you a FREE keyword guide!
2.  2..      Expect To Start Small:  Unless you're a professional writer already, with lots of web writing experience then you should expect to start at a lower-rate than seasoned professionals.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again-here and now-don't work for less than .001 (a penny) per word.  Starting out?  Check out textbroker  or for some decent rates. 
3.    3.  Join the Multitudes: Web writing is a business and just like any other, there are slow and busy times.  Join as many sites that you can get accepted to that don't expect you to hit a certain word or article limit per week.  And don't forget the residual sites like Hubpages and Squidoo!  When times are slow at up-front paying sites you can always write an article for them and earn from ads!
4.      4.  Don't Put Forth Anything But Your Best!  When I first started writing for Break Studios I was making $8 per article of 250-700 words.  Well, they liked me and I now make $12 per article.  Just do your best at all times and sooner or later you'll get a small break somewhere along the line.
5.     5.  Start A Business Blog:  Create a business blog that advertises your writing services. Explain what you can do, where you've worked, provide writing samples and ways to contact you.  You never know who will stumble on it and decide they need services.  Here's a sample of my Blogger writing page for content services.  Muisings  It's important that you only advertise your services on your business site.  One, it looks unprofessional and, two, you could see contextual advertisement for you competitors on your business blog…bad, bad!

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