Tips and Help for the New Freelance Web Writer

From the BloggingDude! Web Writing Tips and Writing For Money!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Freelance Writing Advice for Beginners: Balancing Your Workload

As I've said in other posts I really am trying to get a few good Freelance Writing clients and work exclusively for them while at the same time compensating for "slow" times with one of the freelance writing websites that I have joined.

This is going to be harder than I thought. I already write for many different sites and yesterday I had to say "goodbye" to Break Studios. I liked writing for them, they have fun topics but I just couldn't handle another. I have started work on a series of TACFIT and Army Training video and article jobs for a private client and that was the breaking point. So, I decided to create my own "frelance writing schedule." I know. Not the discovery of the atom but it was a revelation for me.

So, here is the schedule that I made up.


At least one article per weeknight with a dollar total not less than $4

Weekend afternoons, 2-4 (as many articles as I can knock out with a dollar total not less than $15

Associated Content from Yahoo:

This is where it got tricky. I can write for them anytime I want and submit for "display and performance only". But I can also pick topics off their assignment board which pay up-front

So while page views are hard to gauge I decided to pick up an assignment board topic when I see one that I can do and work on one per night during the weekdays as well with a dollar total of not less than $20 per weeil

If inspiration or a hot topic come around I'll knock that out for display only.


I am going to hit this place up about 3 time per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The focus will be on freelancing subjects, writing topics, and trying to get someone to visit it.

I have also signed up with a few "pay to blog" sites so we'll see if those start paying off. With those kinds of sites you are paid to put banners or write on topics on your blog and they pay you for it.

In addition to that, I have Google Adsense and Amazon affiliates enabled. Cross your fingers and pray for clicks!

Independent Publishing and Interactive Media are still slow but I'll work for them when I can and when they have work for me.


Still weary of these cats but I have my Amazon and Google Adsense accounts linked to them as well so I am going to attempt a new Hub every Tuesday and Thursday.

Still waiting on BrightHub and

WARNING to Independent Publishing users. My account shows and invoice of $13.86 paid out two days ago but no Paypal message yet.

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